Wednesday, April 25, 2012


One thing that has helped me lately is making food choices one item at a time. My day today did not go well, but I made healthy choices.

My alarm is on my cell phone, which was on silent this morning, so I woke up with ten minutes before I had to leave the house at 6:45. This meant I didn't have time for breakfast. My partner Tanner made me a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. For lunch at work, which was at 10:30 in the morning, I bought a Smart Ones breakfast sandwich. It was a two pack, so I had the same thing for lunch when I got home at 1:00. After getting Tanner from work we had some shopping to do, which ended up being very stressful. So we got Subway for dinner, I got a Veggie Delight. Overall this was not an ideal food day. I didn't eat enough fruit or vegetables. I don't want to add up the calories, I am still in the high range I am sure. I also know that making time for food in my life will help prevent these kinds of days. I need time to cook food and eat it, so that I can eat things that are more nourishing, and more cost effective. Buying prepared meals from the store or restaurant isn't something I want to do every day.

But! Each time I had to make a choice, I took on its own. I didn't let how my day was going, or not going determine my choice. I didn't let how stressed out or emotional I was determine my choice.  This is something that I have been working on. It took a few weeks of better choices, with a few slips mixed in. Willpower is not something you will wake up with one day. Practicing making good choices starts to build on itself, and you soon begin to feel like you have more willpower.

I do want to add exercise to my weight loss plan, and am planning on adding that to my choices soon.

I am going to work on my food journal now. Creating a few minutes to work on a food journal can be a calming activity, and a time for reflection. Today I can celebrate my better choices, and work on making more time for food in my life.

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