Friday, December 27, 2013

Post Christmas Update

Hey blog!

I gained back the two pounds lost, because of Christmas cookies mostly. And a lot of meals with family, where it was harder to control what I ate. But I am so confident that I will lose weight this year. Every time I start to try it becomes easier.

Also, I am working a temp job! This will help me lose weight, I have to eat a healthy breakfast, and pack a lunch. I really like my job so far. It would be super if they could keep me permanently.

So yay! I feel more confident and hopeful then I have in a while. Even in the depths of cloudy, rainy Seattle winter.

Monday, December 16, 2013

Still doing it

Since my last post, I have lost half a pound.

So not a huge loss. But considering it is the holiday season, I am doing ok.

I also have another job interview tomorrow. Nervous. But just normal nerves, nothing I haven't faced before.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

who lost weight over thanksgiving?

Hey I lost two pounds!
Over the week of Thanksgiving!

How is that for a head start! Going into the holiday season strong.
I have also been going to the gym regularly. Woot!

I will post more now that I am feeling more positive.