Sunday, April 22, 2012

Blog Remodel

I have remodeled the blog a little bit, this is an effort to start fresh. I am going to try again. If you have looked at some old posts you know that I have tried the weight loss "thing" a few times. The idea was to work out and eat right, and blog about it. I began each journey well enough, and ended up doing the same things I had been, that keep my fat, and not blogging any more. I believe that this time it will stick. So I am going to start blogging again! I am very excited.

I know a lot of people empathize with this. It is hard to change your life habits. It is hard to deal with the issues, either emotional or behavioral that keep the weight on. So like quiting smoking, or drinking, a lot of people start a few times before it sticks.

This is the time for me when it sticks. I am going to lose weight, and make a better life for myself all around.

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