Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Start weight and measurements

It's a beautiful sunny day in Seattle, but I am stuck inside. I have put off cleaning the house again, and it is a wreck! I cleaned really well last week, so it isn't really dirty. But it is a huge mess. I am a terrible stay at home partner (wife!) I hate being stuck in the house all day. I hate trying to tidy up by myself. When I was working my partner and I would do really fast clean ups together, and catch up on our days. Now I have to do it by myself and it so boring!

So then lets talk about the benefits of cleaning house. If I keep the fridge clean it feels a lot better to get food out of it. I also know what I have to cook with, and I know that none of my ingredients have gone bad. If I keep the kitchen and dishes clean then I am more motivated to cook and eat, not get take out or go out for dinner. If my clean clothes are folded and put away I can find cute outfits, that make me feel happier, and when I am happier and look nice I don't binge eat as often.

Also, I can burn calories! According to FitDay.com I would burn 192 calories if I clean my house for an hour. I browsed around the internet and found estimates from 75 calories an hour, to 240. So any way I look at it, it's good for me!

I wanted to find a picture of what I look like now, as I start trying harder to lose weight. But I could not find a recent picture of my whole body, just these head shots. Or I found a few but they have other people in them, who I am not sure want to be featured on my blog. So this is a funny picture of me at the beach with frizzy hair from the ferry ride.

Today I weigh 229 pounds. (Scary!)
Waist 40 inches
Hips 50 inches
Bust 45 inches

I did these measurements on myself, so they may not be super accurate. But as long as I keep doing them the same way, I can measure the change, which is what I really want to know.

So, off to burning calories cleaning!

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