Friday, May 4, 2012

Party Prep!

Things have been crazy around here getting ready for our party. We are having a House Warming, Anniversary, Cinco de Mayo party. This is good because it motivated us to get the apartment in good shape. Tanner has not finished unpacking, so there are some boxes in his half of the room. But we have rugs on the floor, some art we made on the wall, and the place is going to be very clean. I think losing weight is easier when your space is organized. Everyone has a different level of organization they are comfortable with. But getting your space organized can help your mind and you life be more organized. It can also be a reflection of how you feel, if you feel like your life is unorganized, it may be time to reflect on how you feel and how well you are taking care of yourself.

I tried a new Korean dish last night. I have all the ingredients for Korean soft tofu soup that I LOVE so much. So I looked up a recipe for Bulgogi, and sure enough I have all the sauces and things I needed. It turned out so delicious. It is great that I can cook these dishes that we like at home. I can better control how many calories are in the food, and how much we spend on it.

Also, getting ready for a party burns calories! I went up and down the stairs tons of times yesterday, doing laundry, taking out recycling and bringing in things from the car. Cleaning house also burns calories if you work hard at it. I plan on scrubbing out the bathtub, and doing some sweeping, and even getting on my hands and knees to mop, mostly because we don't have a real mop.

This blog needs more fun photos and crazy posts! I know.

I will also start doing posts on my measurments, weight loss numbers, and calories and things. So we can see if all of these motivational talks are having a real effect.

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