Wednesday, March 13, 2013

How am I Doing?

Meh. Pretty standard for me.

I did get to go to the community garden patch I got. It was so much fun. We had a sunny day in the 50's here. My partner and I got the whole patch weeded and part of the center walkway dug back up. We also trimmed back a kale that was left growing in the patch, and brought some home to eat. We are already eating from our garden and we didn't plant anything!

I am waiting for the soil to dry out a little more, so we can work in some fertilizer, before we start planting anything. I am so excited.

I know that walking over to my garden to work on it, water and weed it, will be so good for me. It will get me outside more often. It will remind me to keep eating well and focusing on delicious vegetables.

So far I have not been keeping up with my diet enough to lose weight. I think I lose a pound or two these last two weeks.

I will try to focus more.

I know, boring blog.

Friday, March 1, 2013

NOT staying on track

So I got a temp job.

This means commuting for an hour every day. It means being anxious, messing up a lot, feeling like I look terrible in my not so hot professional clothes (I do have a killer jacket though.) This also means learning a lot, meeting new people, feeling proud when I figure out things.

So my diet and exercise have not been happening, at all. I am frustrated. Packing lunches has been pretty successful  My partner and I both pack healthy snacks and lunches. Dinner has been alright. We haven't ordered out, or one day when we got something it was Subway sandwiches  But I have been stressed out and tired in the evenings, so I have been eating too much dinner.

I am going to promise myself that I will post more here, and on my healthy incentives for our insurance. I think a week adjusting to this new job is long enough. I will probably find out next week if I am going to get to keep this job or if they will hire someone else. Either way I need to focus on myself and being healthy. I am getting really really sick of being overweight and not fit.

I found some inspiration today in, one of my favorite weight loss blogs. Here it is: